If you own a boat, you’ve probably been there: you wake up in the morning, ready for a relaxing day out on the water. You put on a swimsuit, pack a cooler, and head down to your boat—only to find that it’s covered in bird poop. Now, instead of a relaxing day on the water, you have a few solid hours of cleaning up bird droppings ahead of you. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a bird deterrent that you could use to prevent this kind of outcome? There is; check out our Marine section for the perfect deterrent waiting to defend your boat and keep those Birdsoff.
At Birdsoff, we have the bird deterrent systems you’ve been looking for in Australia. We launched our business in 2001, motivated largely by sheer desperation. We were tired of our homes, crops, and boats receiving damage from birds and their toxic droppings. We wanted to provide a solution that property owners could use to keep birds away for good.
Our Bird Deterrent Product Range
17 years later, Birdsoff is still on the same mission that we were when we first opened our doors. The main difference is that today, we are armed with a huge array of bird deterrents to help you protect your property.
Our solutions are varied. Some are stainless steel bird spikes. Some are sonic or ultrasonic deterrents. Others are lasers or scary visual decoys. Each deterrent or device mimics a threat and takes advantage of birds’ fears and survival instincts. By putting up physical, visual or audible barriers, we can send even the bravest birds flying for the hills. Best of all, our bird deterrents condition birds to fly away and stay away. With any luck, you will be able to put up our deterrents and never have to deal with bird infestations again.
Enjoying More Time on Your Boat
Let’s be frank: cleaning bird poop off a boat is no one’s idea of a good Saturday afternoon. Cruising the waters with the wind in your hair and spending precious time with family and friends is just about everyone’s idea of a good time. When you buy bird deterrent systems from Australia’s Birdsoff, you get to do more of the latter and a whole lot less of the former.
Sure, cleaning and maintenance are responsibilities that come with owning a boat. You will always have a little bit of housekeeping to do before you take your boat out for a day, whether it’s cleaning off bugs or grime. When you remove bird droppings from the equation, though, cleaning your boat should be a lot faster and more hygienic. Best of all, our bird deterrents are completely humane. The Birdsweep and Birdspidersare excellent physical deterrent designed to protect your boat. The BirdXPeller Pro 1 sonic sound system plays recorded seagull distress calls, coupled with predator threatening cries. The yard sentinel with remote is another option to play sounds to assault the birds. Or for less problematic situations the flags in a sock (bunting flags) may do the job.
What ever your situation you get that annoying flock of seagulls or other marine birds away from your boat without doing any harm to any animal.
Take advantage of our bird deterrent products at Birdsoff today. With our help, you will never again have to deal with your boating plans being derailed by bird poop. Contact us by calling 07 3040 9474 or sending an email to sales@birdsoff.com.au.