CALL:0414 599 938 or EMAIL:
Super BirdXPeller PRO Version 1 or Version 2 is a Sonic Bird Repeller that emits naturally recorded bird distress calls and predator cries that frighten, confuse and disorient pest birds within the effective range – up to 6 acres! Sonic bird control is safe, humane, and eco-friendly.
Target pests include: Seagulls, Corellas, Cockatoos, Pigeons, Crows, Sparrows, Starlings, Grackles, Cormorants, also Rodents.
Effective coverage up to 6 acres.
Version 1 - Repels Pigeons, Starlings, Sparrows, and Gulls
Version 2 - Repels Crows, Blackbirds, Grackles, Cormorants, and Ravens (This is the better version if you are trying to repel Cockatoos or Parrots) -
Recommended for use in outdoor areas, such as:
When we are trying to break established habits we recommend using our products synergistically.
A combination of Visual or Physical deterrents to add to your Auditory attack!
Download Super BirdXPeller PRO Instructions
All Birds Off products have been trialled and tested and do not harm birds. Products are not sold on a trial and return basis. Pls make your choice of bird deterrent carefully since there are many variables in consideration of bird control: environment; character and motivation of species; breeding or roosting cycle; hunger or tameness of the birds. Consider your overall strategy when preparing your deterrents. Sometimes , one or more products might be needed to increase bird control success rates. For more information or advice call 0414 599 938 or email us on
Warranty 3 Months on